How to get “Over Achieved” or “Exceeding Expectation” rating Year after Year ?
Most of us go through an Appraisal process or Performance Review in our professional lives in one way or another.
We all work hard and deliver our 100% throughout the year or sometimes even 200% to accomplish the work assigned to us and to commit to those never ending deadlines, and during covid times when there is no distinction between work place and home, you tend to work for even longer hours.
At the end of every year, and since you have worked with all your dedication and passion, when it is time for those appraisal meetings, you expect to be getting “Exceeding Expectation” or the Top Rating from your manager but when that doesn’t happen and you get “Meeting Expectation” or something similar, you feel disappointed, you feel demotivated and it lasts for a while until another project or another timelines kick in and this cycle continues.
Have you ever wondered what these ratings really mean ?
Have you ever wondered why you should be getting ‘Exceeding Expectations’ or the rating that says you have done more than what you were expected to do?
Isn’t ‘Meeting expectations’ the best of all ?
It simply means you are working 100% of what you are supposed to do.
Why should you be working more than 100% ?
- Think about it before you read the next few lines.
On a similar note, Why we never ask feedback or appraisals in our personal lives ?
In Offices, we are sometimes asked to take 360 degree feedback, to take feedback from peers, subordinates and supervisors.
What about feedback from the people in our personal lives ?
What rating do you think you will get ? Meeting Expectations or Exceeding Expectations ?
I would be surprised if you could get any of the above, and you know it. So why not just work 100% in our professional life and other 100% in personal life, including being with yourself and your family.
I am sure there are things you want to do in your personal life, but you keep postponing it for tomorrow or for that day that never comes. For a moment, just sit back and ask yourself, Is it really worth it ? Should you really be working more than 100% ? Isn’t meeting expectations the best rating after all ?
If we can just meet expectations of our own and keep everyone around us happy, Isn’t that “Over Achieved” or “Exceeding Expectations” Rating ?